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#26 Le 17-09-2022 à 20h01

Messages: 854

Bonjour clarxsrd,

Désolée pour la réponse tardive ! Ici tu es dans la partie anglophone du jeu. Tu es bien au niveau 11 donc tu peux poster un nouveau message ici en donnant le nom de la crominette que tu veux que l'on fasse accoucher.


kevilla30 & Rina58,

So sorry for leaving for so long without saying anything! I was really busy with school but I'm back now, I should have more time. Thank you for being so patient!


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#27 Le 18-09-2022 à 12h09

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

It really isin't problem and I understand you Lily297. /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#28 Le 09-10-2022 à 10h44

Membre Apprenti
Messages: 20

So I really have no more hopes that the bug will be fixed here.
The operator doesn't seem to be interested in his own game anymore, let alone us players here.
Otherwise something would have happened here long ago.

In other games, bugs are dealt with as quickly as possible, even when the operators don't have the time, etc. because they want the players to be happy.

So here you can really forget it.
It's been almost half a year and nothing has happened, that really says it all.

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#29 Le 10-10-2022 à 09h03

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Hello Lilly57!
Well we don't know if that is true but you know like others that to this is not helping well nothing helps but even if you don't belive that to bug will gone one day it don't means that to everyone needs to stop belive in that. I don't mean anything bad whit this.

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#30 Le 19-10-2022 à 10h05

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 1


I have problem with my little cromimi, Rainbau. She is still pregnant. I waiting for her birth above one week. She should birth four or five days ago! /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-goutte.gif

Dernière modification par Momoko-chaan (Le 19-10-2022 à 10h07)

momoko v2

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#31 Le 19-10-2022 à 14h06

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Hello Momoko-chaan!
This is a birth bug. If you need a baby for next level you can tell on Parament topic: Special baby delivery.

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#32 Le 21-11-2022 à 15h46

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 9

Hey! I asked for help previously regarding the pregnancy bug and got my babies at last, but it's been nearly a week now and they haven't grown yet. Any tips?

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#33 Le 23-11-2022 à 00h08

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 7

Ma cromimi Dedenne Junior n'accouche pas, elle était censée avoir accouché de deux cromimi que j'ai envie d'appeler Copito et Emolga.
Je voudrais passer au niveau douze.
Je ne sais pas trop quoi faire, car j'ai vu une nouvelle concernant une cigogne, mais je ne l'ai pas comprise.

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#34 Le 23-11-2022 à 10h13

Messages: 20 103

Kimberly31 a écrit :

Ma cromimi Dedenne Junior n'accouche pas, elle était censée avoir accouché de deux cromimi que j'ai envie d'appeler Copito et Emolga.
Je voudrais passer au niveau douze.
Je ne sais pas trop quoi faire, car j'ai vu une nouvelle concernant une cigogne, mais je ne l'ai pas comprise.

Tu es ici sur la partie anglophone du forum  ... pour t'exprimer et avoir une réponse en français, tu dois aller sur la partie francophone tout en haut et pour ton problème,  te reporter plus précisément à la partie ACTUALITÉS DU JEU,  le topic appelé CROMINETTES QUI N'ACCOUCHENT PAS  !

Sinon, la modération Lily297 répond ici aux posts en anglais, quand elle est disponible !

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#35 Le 28-11-2022 à 16h10

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 14


My cromimi is still pregnant and didn't given birth, also my babies didn't grew up can you help me please

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#36 Le 29-11-2022 à 07h34

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Hello Enrique!
If youre level 11 and more and you need to go to the next level you can go on ˝The cromimi game˝ on ˝Parament topic: Special baby delivery˝ or on French forum on ˝L'actualite du jeu cromimi!˝ on the topic whit the most posts and you need to tell name of 1 your cromigirl and what level you are but because you alredy have babies you need to wait 9 days before they become adults but if you alredy have them 9 days then its probably glitched.
I hope I helped /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-content.gif

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#37 Le 07-12-2022 à 18h43

Messages: 20 103

charline-rbg a écrit :

Pourrais-je obtenir de l'aide svp ma crominette est sencée accoucher depuis 4 jours mais rien ne se passe c'est surement un bug à corriger

Les topics francophones sont situés plus haut sur le forum ... merci de t'y reporter puisque tu postes en français !
Ici, c'est la partie anglophone !!!

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#38 Le 01-01-2023 à 18h04

Messages: 5 943

Bonsoir, merci de lire le post juste au dessus du tien.

Ta signature est beaucoup trop grande, merci de la réduire, tu trouveras les la bonne taille ICI

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#39 Le 09-01-2023 à 22h58

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 4

What is the chance that the game owner would come back and fix the problem? I really wanted to have Top Cromimies, and I was even thinking about paying for VIP, but it just feel useless if the game is broken :<


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#40 Le 22-01-2023 à 10h21

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 1

Oh I was waiting for a birth and I just saw that it's been months for the problem, good luck administrators, do you think you will be able to talk to the owner ? Because if not... I'm not sure i want to continue playing. I hope you can solve this !

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#41 Le 23-01-2023 à 22h59

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 1

Hello, my mouses are about to give birth but it's not working for some reasons ? What can I do to make it work ?
Thanks !!! /static/images/forum/smilies/cromimi-coeur.gif

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#42 Le 25-01-2023 à 23h29

Membre Régulier
Messages: 38

I have vip, my cromimis do not give birth either

Lukrecjahs a écrit :

What is the chance that the game owner would come back and fix the problem? I really wanted to have Top Cromimies, and I was even thinking about paying for VIP, but it just feel useless if the game is broken :<

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#43 Le 26-01-2023 à 11h32

Messages: 20 103

Julia4521 a écrit :

I have vip, my cromimis do not give birth either

Lukrecjahs a écrit :

What is the chance that the game owner would come back and fix the problem? I really wanted to have Top Cromimies, and I was even thinking about paying for VIP, but it just feel useless if the game is broken :<


Unfortunately, being a VIP does not make you to escape the BUG since it is a structural problem: everyone is affected.
It is therefore preferable to wait for the resolution, to invest in a pass, if you are mainly targeting reproductions.
But the VIP advantages are not reduced to this : there are also additional number of cages, animated cages, reduced training time for naps, seduction and other actions and all Cros unlocked at the store ...) you must see according to your priorities!

The game is not doomed to be damaged forever and we are waiting for the repair, but without being able to tell you when it will be, because it does not depend on us!
As soon as we have a return from the admin, we will let you know here ...

KA' (with the help of my friend Google /library/php/forum/views/smilies/wink.png )

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#44 Le 29-01-2023 à 11h28

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 2

I  have this problem too /library/php/forum/views/smilies/sad.png

Purple spirit

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#45 Le 08-02-2023 à 13h07

Messages: 20 103

Shay-moon a écrit :

I  have this problem too /library/php/forum/views/smilies/sad.png


You must make a request on this topic HERE ... by giving its name  (click on the word in red, to go directly there) and you will be able to have help to manually give birth to your crominette, while waiting for the resolution of the problem by the main admin!

Read the conditions in post 1 of Lily297, the English-speaking moderator.

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#46 Le 12-02-2023 à 16h13

Messages: 20 103

Ayvmi a écrit :

s'il vous plaît, faites que mon cromimi accouche d'un bébé ! son nom est bleu, c'est un lapin. c'est pour la mission 56. s'il vous plait ! J'utilise un traducteur google. Je suis bloqué au jour 0 depuis plus d'une semaine !

Tu dois cesser de poster partout à  tort et à travers sur le forum anglophone ici (et pas besoin alors d'utiliser le traducteur, puisqu'on y parle normalement en anglais ) et aussi sur le francophone.
Si ta demande n'est pas encore réalisée,  c'est que nous n'avons pas eu le temps de le faire.
Nous ne sommes pas 24 heures sur 24 sur le jeu et tu n'es pas seule !
Ça n'ira pas plus vite de multiplier tes demandes  ...

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#47 Le 20-02-2023 à 14h13

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 13

are there any news on the birth problem? or did you guys gave up trying to fix it?

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#48 Le 22-02-2023 à 13h27

Messages: 20 103

naismlc1 a écrit :

Bonjour, ma crominette Syhana n'accouche pas. Pouvez-vous m'aider ?

Ici, c'est la partie anglophone du forum où l'on doit donc parler/ écrire en ... anglais, of course  !!

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#49 Le 23-02-2023 à 12h41

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 13

my crominette Oba cant give birth
would you mind helping me please

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#50 Le 23-02-2023 à 13h35

Messages: 20 103

takitie a écrit :

my crominette Oba cant give birth
would you mind helping me please

Good morning
No birth is requested at this level, so help is not possible: read the conditions in post 1

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