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#1 Le 25-05-2022 à 08h20

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Hello! I spreak English.
I have 5 cromigirls and theyre pregnant. From yersteday it says that they Will give birth in 0 days and they didin't give birth.
So what I can do?
Please someone help me /static/images/forum/smilies/cromimi-triste.gif

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#2 Le 25-05-2022 à 10h00

Modératrice ... en vacances donc moins dispo !
Messages: 19 961

Pour les joueurs anglophones, il y a un topic dédié, c'est ICI , tout en ba sud forum avec une modératrice Lily297 qui répond à vos questions en anglais !
Ici, c'est la partie française !

Use a translator to read me or write here, if you prefere /library/php/forum/views/smilies/big_smile.png

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